Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A quicky before we leave...

Tomorrow we make the eight hour trip to our location (all to be revealed afterwards, again I don't want any crashers!) which involves an hour long train ride to pick up our hire car (there isn't anywhere local to do so) and then a six and a half hour drive, which is fairly straight forward. With any luck we won't get lost and almost-husband won't have any trouble driving on the opposite side of the road than what he's used to.

We are virtually set to go. All the packing is done, we went out today to get a few last minute things like underwear and hairspray. I made the decision to do my own hair and makeup to again cut down on costs (hair and makeup artists are unbelievably expensive no matter where you are, if you are able or know someone, DO IT!) so hopefully we won't have any drama come Friday.

We spent today making mix CDs for the car, fairly evenly his-and-her mixes so there'll be no arguments. Also picked up the flowers I plan on using for my hair and bouquet. Again, we chose to DIY a little bit here for cost and fear of an out of town florist not having what we want. They're all feed off of their own water-source and will hopefully last the trip.

When next posting I will officially be Mrs F! Bye!